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Burning Fat Vs Burning Calories

To lose weight and get in shape you must have a good diet and exercise regularly to burn fat. The first thing you must understand about exercise is that just because you're burning calories doesn't mean you're burning fat. Your main focus when you exercise should be losing body fat, and you ca n’t lose body fat just from burning calories. When we exercise, our bodies will start burning calories, but the calories that are burned are the calories from carbohydrates in our system. In order to burn calories from your stored fat, your body requires the presence of oxygen. There's a certain quantum of oxygen that your body needs in order to start burning fat and the only way for you to measure the quantum demanded for your own body is to keep up with your target heart rate during exercise. Please understand that if you continue to only burn calories from carbohydrates, you'll lose substantially “ water weight ” which leads to a drop in your metabolism. Also, suppose of the calories that are burned from carbohydrates as your energy calories. If you lose too important energy calories also your muscles won't admit enough energy to increase your metabolism which laterally burn fat. thus you must increase your calorie input when you're on an exercise program to replace your burned energy calories.

Easy Way to lose Weight 

Burning Fat Calories during exercise

During aerobic exercise, your body goes through several stages before it reaches the point where you're burning fat. You'll hear people say that you're only burning sugar( carbohydrates) not fat during the first 10 twinkles of exercise. This is true to a certain extent. I say this because you'll continue to burn sugar past the 10 nanosecond mark if you aren't working out hard enough for your body to want further oxygen; or you're working out too hard and you ca n’t supply your body with enough oxygen for fat burning. When you exercise you must move at a steady pace( not too presto, not too slow) so your body will use your stored fat( not carbohydrates or sugar) as its energy source. Also flash back that just because you reached the fat burning stage doesn't mean you'll stay there. Staying at the fat burning stage formerly again depends on if you're moving at a pace that's right for your body. Make sure that you're within your target heart rate range.


Burning Fat Calories at rest

The only way for you to continue to burn fat calories hours after you have finished working out is through the anaerobic exercise of weight training. Weight training is the key to burning fat at rest. Weight training is an anaerobic exertion that will beget you to burn further calories than aerobic exercise. The calories that you're burning during weight training exercises are substantially calories from carbohydrates( meaning you must eat indeed further calories per day for energy); but the calories you burn at rest are substantially calories from fat. The reason you're burning fat at rest is because weight training increases your metabolism which uses your stored fat as energy.

Easy Way to lose Weight  

To make your body the ultimate fat burning machine you must do aerobic( cardio) and anaerobic( weight training) exercises. 

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